University of Medicine, Taunggyi

Department of Pediatrics

Final Part I MBBS

The course covers 10 weeks of clinical teaching in Women and Children Hospital, Taunggyi.

Teaching and Learning Methods

Clinical teaching (10 weeks)

Final Part I MBBS Assessment

The assessment is a 2- station (1 history taking and 1 clinical examination) OSCE at the end of 10 weeks posting. This class work weightage will be 10% of the marks of Final Part II Final Examination.

Final Part II MBBS

Pre bloc posting during initial 6 months involves didactic lectures from all 4 disciplines. Bloc posting last 3 months in three medical units of Yankin Children Hospital. Morning section includes clinical teaching such as ward round teaching and small group bedside teaching and self-learning. Evening section includes clinics, case discussion, question time and seminar. Pediatric topics covers growth and development, nutritional disorders, neonatology, infectious diseases emphasizing on the diseases of common health problems in developing countries such as acute respiratory tract infection, diarrhoeal disease, dengue hemorrhagic fever, tuberculosis, malaria etc. systemic disorders, preventive and community pediatrics, pediatric prescribing and pediatric emergencies including ETAT (Emergency triage assessment and treatment).

Teaching and Learning Methods

Total lecture hour (pre-bloc) (55 hrs)
Total tutorial/question time hour
Video/slide/photo study (50 hrs)
Total problem solving hour (50 hrs)
Total round and bedside teaching (180 hrs)
Total practical hour (Elective) (120 hrs)
Test and exams (20 hrs)
TOTAL (475 hrs)

Final Part II MBBS Assessment

Completion (30%)

Final part I (OSCE) 10% (OSCE – 2 stations)
Final part II (theory) 10% (60 MCQs + 5 MSQs)
(Clinical) 10% (OSCE – 5 stations)

Theory – 2 papers (40%)

Paper I (3 hours)
MCQ (60 in No.) – 1 ½ hours  (50% of the marks)
MSQ (5 in No.) – 1 ½ hours (Differential diagnosis/ Case scenario)  (50% of the marks)

Paper II (3 hours)
MCQ (60 in No.) – 1 ½ hours — 50% of the marks
MSQ (5 in No.) – 1 ½ hours (Differential diagnosis/ Case scenario)  (50% of the marks)

Growth and Development
Nutrition and its disorders
Pediatric prescribing
Accident and poisoning
Infection and Infestation
GI and Liver
Haematology and Oncology
Endocrine (Cretinism)
Musculoskeletal (D/D of joint swelling)

3. CLINICAL (30%)
OSCE (5 Stations)

Internship Training (House Officer)

House officers are posted to the affiliated teaching hospitals for their training. The training period covers one year as rotating house officer between 4 major disciplines (3 months per discipline) and includes 2 weeks of community medicine work. Assessment is by means of a common log book and workplace based assessment in all disciplines and a completion certificate signed by Heads of the major disciplines, reviewed by the Rector of the Institute before convocation.

Department of Pediatrics

Prescribed Textbooks

  1. Pediatrics for Undergraduate, 2nd Edition, 2009.  Pediatric society, Myanmar Medical   Association.
  2. Peidatric Management Guideline. 3rd Edition. 2018. Pediatric society, Myanmar Medical Association.
  3. Ghai Essential Paediatrics. 7th Edition,2009
  4. Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics, 20th Edition, 2016