University of Medicine, Taunggyi

Course Outline of MBBS


The teaching of medicine spans three years starting from the 3rd MBBS until the end of Final Part II.

Third year MBBS:

Two-week introduction course is given at the beginning of the posting. Then the students are posted to medical wards in teaching hospitals for 15 weeks. During this period, they learn history taking and clinical methods of examining a patient. One theory test (MCQ type) and one clinical test are conducted at the end of the posted period for evaluation.

Final Part I MBBS:

During 7 weeks of training students are posted to

  • Mental Health Hospital (1 week)
  • TB hospital (1 week)
  • Special Skin Department (1 week)
  • Dermatology Department (1 week)
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases Department(1 week) and
  • X-ray Session (1 week)

One theory test comprising MCQ covering all the above disciplines is given at the end of the posting period.

Final Part II MBBS:

During the block posting, morning sessions comprise bed-side teaching, ward rounds, small group discussions; and evening sessions include bed-side teaching, lectures, seminars and X-rays readings. One theory test (6 MSQs & 60 MCQs) is conducted in the middle of posting period (Mid-term test). Second theory test (6 MSQs & 60 MCQs) along with OSCE is conducted at the end of the posting period. At the final evaluation, a qualifying examination consisting of two theory papers and OSCE is held.


Surgery course spans 3 years; starting from Third M.B.,B.S. until the end of Final Part II.

Third year MBBS:

Introductory course by experienced teachers are given during the first two weeks. In the remaining (16-18) weeks, students are posted to various surgical units at the central and peripheral teaching hospitals. During this period emphasis is mainly on history taking and clinical examination of the patient. A clinical test is conducted at the end of posting.

Final Part I MBBS:

During the Part I posting students are posted to Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Hospital and Department of Anaesthesia.

Final Part II MBBS:

Surgical block posting is 11 – 12 weeks. This posting is known as “Block Posting” since the students are posted at the wards for the whole day. This enables the students to perform clinical case taking, plan investigation, interpret data and become involved in the management of common surgical conditions. Teaching includes combined clinics, bed-side teaching, topic discussion, seminars & case presentations. It covers general surgery and special surgical fields such as vascular, thoracic, cardiac, endocrine, abdominal, ano-rectal, hepato-biliary, genito-urinary, eye, ear, nose, throat and maxillo-facial surgery. Some aspects of general anaesthesiology are also covered. Traumatology and basic operative surgery are emphasized.

The final examination includes 2 papers on theory and clinical examination (Objective Structured Clinical Examination).

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

The course lasts for two years starting from the Final Part I and continues until the end of Final Part II. Most of the Obstetrics is covered in Final Part I and Gynaecology in Final Part II.

Final Part I MBBS:

Clinical posting is of two months duration in Obstetric Units. In the first part of the posting, students witness intrapartum care and delivery of twenty labour cases. Following an oral assessment test, they are allowed to conduct ten normal deliveries under the supervision of either the teaching staff of the Obstetric & Gynaecology department, the assistant surgeon on duty or the senior midwifery staff. They are responsible for the immediate care of the newborn and also assist in operative deliveries. The care of mothers and babies is followed up in the puerperium. They also attend out-patient clinics and clinical bed-side teachings.

The important topics in obstetrics include antenatal care, normal labour and puerperium, haemorrhage in pregnancy, hypertension in pregnancy and medical diseases in pregnancy, etc. Assessment includes a complete record of deliveries, a three-hour multiple short questions and objective structured clinical examination of an obstetric case with emphasis on history taking and physical examination. The marks thus gained contributes toward the scores in the Final Part II examination.

Final Part II MBBS:

The students are posted en-bloc to both obstetric and gynaecological wards for three months. Training includes clinical clerkship, out-patient department sessions, clinical bed-side teaching, attending operating sessions, lectures and tutorials. The seminars are conducted by the students. The important topics in gynaeacology include gynaecological tumours, bleeding in early pregnancy, abnormal haemorrage etc.
Each student submits complete records of 5 obstetric and 5 gynaecogical cases and sits for tests on theory, clinical and viva voce. The marks thus scored contribute towards the total marks in the final examination which includes obstetric and gynaecology theory papers and an objective structured clinical examination at two obstetric and two gynaecological stations.


The course lasts for two years starting from the Final Part I and continues until the end of Final Part II. Pediatric teaching is confined mainly to hospital practice, with community orientation and exposure to community health centres, coordinated with Mandalay Divisional Health Department and Department of Preventive & Social Medicine of the University of Medicine, Mandalay.

The important topics in Pediatrics include developmental pediatrics, preventive and social pediatrics, neonatology, pediatric emergencies, common childhood disorders and infections. Emphasis is laid on common health problems of our country, e.g., acute respiratory tract infections, diarrhoeal diseases, dengue haemorrhagic fever, malaria, neonatal sepsis and jaundice, malnutrition, and care of the normal and sick children, Knowledge and skill in pediatrics is imparted by lectures, seminars, bedside teaching, tutorials, problem solving, and small group teaching during the final years part I and II.

One theory test (40 MCQs) and a clinical test (OSCE) are conducted at the end of Final part I posting. During the block posting in final year part II, one theory test (5 MSQs and 60 MCQs) and one clinical test (OSCE) is conducted at mid-term and the second theory paper (5 MSQs and 60 MCQs) along with a clinical (OSCE) test is conducted at the end of posting period.

At the final evaluation, a qualifying examination consisting of two theory papers (5 MSQs and 60 MCQs each) and a clinical test (OSCE) is held.