It covers an introduction on the history and development of medical and anatomical sciences from the days of the Greeks to the days of the 20th Century, general principles of anatomy by correlating structure and function, general anatomy, general histology, general embryology and genetics pertaining to Medicine.
The students are divided into groups of eight to twelve to dissect the human body in sequential order; starting with the thorax, followed by the abdomen and pelvis, the lower limb, the upper limb, the head and neck, and finally, the brain and spinal cord.
During dissection of each part, students are given lectures, discussions, tutorials, seminars and test relevant to the part dissected. Teaching aids on gross anatomy, histology, embryology and applied anatomy of each part simultaneously or in coordination with the parts being dissected are provided. Emphasis is laid on correlation of structure and function as well as the role of applied anatomy in clinical medicine.
After each part is dissected, the students are assessed by means of a completion test comprising a written paper, practical test and viva voce. A comprehensive revision course is given, after dissection of the whole body is completed. Auxiliary facilities such as the anatomical museum and a compact anatomical library are available.
The course deals with physiologic principles, human physiology including cellular physiology, excitable tissues- nerve and muscle, autonomic nervous system, blood and circulation, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, reproductive, endocrine, nervous systems, skin and thermoregulation along with regulatory mechanisms.
Cellular physiology and haematology are taught during the 1st M BBS course and the rest in one year course of 2nd MBBS. Only one test is held at the end of teaching activities in 1st MBBS. It contributes to the class work of 2nd year during which 3 class tests and one practical test are conducted. Teaching method is mainly large group teaching- lecture- backed up by tutorials and practical or demonstrations. Summative assessment is held at the end of 2nd year course using MCQ and MSQ in 2 written theory papers of 3 hour duration and one practical exam.
The goal of Biochemistry course is to describe structure, organization and function of cells in molecular terms. Therefore, the course includes lectures, tutorials, discussion and laboratory work. Biochemical aspects of molecular genetics and molecular basis of function of major constituents of cells and tissues are emphasized. The metabolism of carbohydrate, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and metabolic regulation of normal cells as well as changes occurring in diseases are discussed.
Integrated aspects of biochemistry including clinical correlation, the chemistry of blood, water and electrolytes and acid-base balance, molecular endocrinology, food and nutrition, digestion and absorption of essential nutrients are emphasized as essential aspects of biochemistry instruction.
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