The 1st silent mentor appreciation program was done on 4th February, 2019, organized by department of anatomy, UMTGI. Silent mentors are termed for the cadavers used for learning human anatomy in medical universities. The former rector of UMTGI, Prof. Dr. Win Htay Aung; the former head of department of anatomy, Prof. Dr. Khin Thandar; academic and office staffs of department of anatomy and other departments of UMTGI; the head and representatives of department of anatomy, UM1, UM2, UMMdy, UMMG and DSMA; the registered potential donors; the next of kins of deceased donors; all the 2nd MBBS medical students (1/2019 batch) and other invited persons attended this ceremony.
The former rector, Prof. Dr. Win Htay Aung delivered the opening speech. Then, the former head of department of anatomy, Prof Dr. Khin Thandar explained about the details of body donation program, the aims of this program, the benefits of body donation and the usage of the body. Later, a representative of registered donors gave a speech about their desire, attitude and motivation for donation. Afterwards, a 2nd MBBS representative student gave the thankful and honored speech to the deceased donors and registered potential donors. The poem about the great value of silent mentors was read by a student. After that, all the students simultaneously recited the vow that expressed their gratitude, honor and respect to the deceased donors. Then, all the audience went to the dissection hall that the deceased donors were covered by white cloth on the trolley and the audience showed their respect to the donors by keeping silent for 1 minute and placing the flowers over the deceased donors. The agenda also included the recitation of parittas by Buddhist monks, delivering a sermon and offering a day-meal. In addition, the posters showing the history of the ceremony and respect and appreciation to the decreased donors were displayed near the dissection hall. All of the posters were made by the 2nd MBBS medical students. Finally, the closing speech was delivered by Prof. Dr. Khin Thandar. It is reported that the silent mentor appreciation program is usually held in UMTGI once per an academic year.
Our Attitude
May they rest in peace.